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A Closer Look at EVLA

A Closer Look at EVLA

If you’re looking into treatments for your unsightly varicose veins, or you don’t want to see those long, purple rope-like veins running up your legs when you’re in a bathing suit. Keep reading.

Your varicose veins are likely more than a cosmetic issue. If you’re on your feet all day, your legs may be aching, burning, and/or swollen by the time you get home. Persistent swelling in your legs can lead to open sores called ulcers that are hard to heal. 

With today’s modern laser technology, we can eliminate the cosmetic issue as well as head off serious complications that can arise from large varicose veins. Our board-certified radiologists with REDI Diagnostic Corp in Elmwood Park, New Jersey, are specialists in treating problem veins. And endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) may be the best treatment for your varicose veins. 

What is EVLA?

Endovenous laser ablation is a minimally invasive procedure using laser energy to destroy the integrity of the problematic varicose veins. We insert a tiny catheter that delivers powerful laser heat energy into your problem vein. This seals the vessel walls; then your body naturally eliminates the vein debris over time. Blood continues to flow through normal veins nearby.

When is EVLA recommended? 

We use EVLA on problematic large veins that would have previously been treated by surgery. If you have a large varicose vein running down your thigh, it’s likely your anterior accessory vein. Your great and small saphenous veins run up and down your legs. 

EVLA is very effective at treating all of these large veins. On the other hand, if small veins are involved, we might choose another treatment called sclerotherapy. 

How effective is EVLA? 

EVLA is very effective at treating varicose veins without suffering side effects or complications. Studies have compared EVLA to surgery for varicose veins. More patients who had surgery experienced numbness, skin lumpiness, and/or skin discoloration than EVLA patients. Success rates for EVLA are higher than 90 percent; successful EVLA treatment of the greater saphenous vein is 99 percent

Additional advantages of EVLA

EVLA has many benefits, including: 


EVLA usually takes about 30 minutes. We numb the area and give you a local anesthetic so you won’t feel pain during the procedure. It’s quick and easy. 

Eliminates risks of surgery 

EVLA has revolutionized varicose vein treatment. You no longer have to go through surgery that involves a recovery period. Surgeries carry more risk of infection and complications than this minimally invasive procedure. 

Little to no downtime

There’s little to no downtime. You can resume your day after your procedure. We provide post-procedure instructions. 

You’ll wear a compression stocking after the treatment. You’ll need to walk daily at regular intervals after your treatment to ensure proper blood flow through your legs, but don’t overdo it. You’ll also need to avoid heavy exercise or strenuous workouts for a couple of weeks. 

Call our office or book an appointment online with REDI Diagnostics Corp today for your problem varicose veins. We’re here to restore your vein health. 

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