Can an eVox Brain Map Help Explain the Cause of My Memory Problems?

The senior adult population is growing, and so is Alzheimer’s disease. By 2050, the number of seniors with Alzheimer’s is expected to double.
If there’s good news, it’s that when dementia and other memory disorders are identified during the early onset period, doctors can prescribe preventive care measures to help delay and defray the personal and financial costs for individuals and the health care system at large.
Do you frequently misplace your phone or car keys? Your frustration and blood pressure rise as you search from room to room to find them. It’s not fun.
You may wonder if there’s something more going on than a senior moment. Modern medicine now has a tool to help explain the root of your memory lapses.
Perhaps it’s nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if you’re in the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, it’s better to know now, when early treatment can help.
Our board-certified radiologists with REDI Diagnostics Corp in Elmwood Park, New Jersey, perform brain scans using a medical device called an eVox® Brain Map.
How eVox brain mapping can explain your memory lapses
The eVox Brain Map provides data on how fast and how well you process information and gives insights into your current cognitive ability. As you complete various mental exercises, brain mapping compares the images in different parts of your brain with the images in a database of healthy brains as well as brains that suffer cognitive impairment.
The test provides more sophisticated information than paper and pencil tests and self-report measures. It helps take the mystery out of what’s causing your memory problems.
What happens during eVox brain mapping
There’s no reason to fear eVox brain mapping. It’s a painless, noninvasive procedure that takes only about 30 minutes to complete.
We perform an electroencephalogram (EEG) scan to measure your brain activity. We place a cap on your head that’s similar to a swim cap. The cap is fitted with electrodes that measure your brain and heart function. The electrodes identify electrical activity produced by your brain cells, and the computer records them as brain waves.
You sit at a computer and answer questions that use your cognitive ability while the computer records your brain activity. We provide the test results to your physician within 24 hours. Your doctor reviews the report and uses it to guide the development of a treatment plan for memory loss if warranted.
Mild cognitive impairment vs. more serious memory problems
Your brain map may reveal no cognitive decline. Perhaps your memory issues are caused by medication or a vitamin deficiency. Undiagnosed depression can mimic cognitive impairment problems.
However, approximately 20% of adults over age 65 have some degree of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Amnestic MCI elicits problems with memory, such as forgetting where you put a book or your car keys.
However, non-amnestic MCI is a more serious condition that affects more than your memory. This type of MCI affects the parts of your brain that regulate attention and concentration, your ability to plan, and your ability to navigate.
MCI develops gradually. It may or may not lead to dementia or Alzheimer’s. The eVox Brain Map helps explain why you’re experiencing memory problems. If you do have MCI or another condition such as early dementia, your health care team creates a plan to intervene and slow its development.
Call REDI Diagnostics Corp or book an appointment online today for eVox brain mapping to get to the root of your memory problems.
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