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Does Varithena Treatment Hurt?

Does Varithena Treatment Hurt?

Do your varicose veins resemble long, purplish, rope-like bands that protrude from your skin? These types of veins can make you look decades older than you are. You may hesitate to wear shorts or a bathing suit. You long for smooth, silky, unblemished skin.  

If you’re bothered by unsightly varicose veins running down your legs, you’re likely investigating treatment options. Our board-certified radiologists with REDI Diagnostics Corp in Elmwood Park, New Jersey, are vein specialists who can eliminate veins causing physical pain and cosmetic discontent. 

Just because genetics or your job has led to these unsightly veins, you don’t have to live with them. Modern medicine has answers. Your REDI Diagnostics Corp physician may recommend Varithena™ as a treatment option for your varicose veins.  

What is Varithena? 

Varithena is an injectable prescription foam medication that your radiologist uses to destroy your problematic varicose veins. It’s been used for a decade to treat varicose veins and is very effective in treating large, rope-like veins. 

What happens at an appointment for Varithena treatment? 

Your REDI Diagnostics Corp radiologist administers a local anesthetic at the injection site. They inject a small amount of the prescription foam medication into your vein. 

The foam enters your vein and begins to work, destroying the integrity of the vein wall. The vein disintegrates, and your lymphatic system flushes out the foam and the remains of the vein. Blood from the vein moves into healthy veins nearby. The foam doesn’t harm blood in healthy veins. 

What are the advantages of Varithena? 

Certain types of procedures are most effective for specific types of varicose veins. Varithena works well on the great saphenous vein, the longest vein in your body, and tributary veins as well as other veins. This vein extends from your foot to the top of your thigh. 

Varithena doesn’t require sedation. You only need a local anesthetic administered at the site of your problem vein. You won’t feel groggy after your treatment. Furthermore, no incisions are required with Varithena, and we don’t insert any wires into your body. Unlike laser treatment, no heat energy is necessary. 

Many people only need one Varithena injection, and you’ll only receive one or two injections during your appointment. Varithena is a minimally invasive treatment. Only 4% of patients report feeling pain. 

What happens after a Varithena appointment? 

Since there’s no sedation with Varithena treatment, you can go about your day after your treatment. 

You’ll have a bandage at the injection site. Keep the site dry and the bandage in place for 48 hours. You need to wear compression stockings for 14 days

In addition, it’s important to move your legs after varicose vein treatment with Varithena to get your blood circulating. Be sure you walk during the day and avoid sitting for long periods. 

Call REDI Diagnostics Corp or book an appointment online today if you have troublesome varicose veins. You’ll love the look and feel of your legs after Varithena treatment.

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