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Treating Varicose Veins: Know Your Options

Treating Varicose Veins: Know Your Options

You’re surely tired of looking at your varicose veins. They mar the sides of your legs and make you look older than you are. 

Researchers estimate that 15% of men and up to 25% of women suffer from varicose veins. 

Varicose vein treatment has changed tremendously in the past few decades, and today’s treatments are minimally invasive or noninvasive. 

Our board-certified radiologists at REDI Diagnostics Corp in Elmwood Park, New Jersey, are the experts you want to see to eliminate your problematic varicose veins

Why it’s smart to get your varicose veins treated 

Varicose veins aren’t only a cosmetic concern. You may already have painful symptoms such as burning or aching legs by the end of the day. Perhaps your legs feel extra heavy. 

If your varicose veins are left untreated, you can develop edema. Excess fluid causes your legs to swell, and you’re also likely to develop chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). 

When you have CVI, the skin on your legs can stretch too tight, causing you to develop skin ulcers that are hard to heal. You’re also at risk of life-threatening deep vein thrombosis. 

Treatment options for your varicose veins

Following are four options for treating your varicose veins offered at REDI Diagnostics Corp: 

Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA)

If you have medium or large varicose veins on your skin’s surface, your doctor may recommend EVLA treatment or radiofrequency ablation. During EVLA, your doctor makes a tiny incision in your skin and inserts a small tube that contains a laser fiber into your problematic vein. 

As your doctor removes the tube, or catheter, the laser’s heat quickly destroys the integrity of the vein. The vein closes so that no more blood can pool within it. It gradually shrinks and disintegrates. 

Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation uses electromagnetic energy to destroy your varicose veins. Like EVLA, it’s a minimally invasive procedure. Using ultrasound, your doctor inserts a tiny wire into your varicose vein. The heat from the radiofrequency energy in the wire damages the wall of the vein. Scar tissue forms and closes up the vein. 


During Varithena therapy, your doctor injects a chemical into your varicose vein using ultrasound guidance. Your vein disintegrates and the blood is sealed within the soft tissue, gradually disappearing as your body absorbs the remains. If you have large veins or veins deep within your skin, your doctor may select this method of treatment. 


If you have small to medium-sized varicose or spider veins, sclerotherapy may be your doctor’s recommendation for eliminating your problematic veins. Your doctor injects a chemical into your vein, causing it to lose its structure and then close. The blood is redirected to healthy veins. As with Varithena treatment, your body absorbs the leftover tissue and blood. 

Your lifestyle and habits influence the development of varicose veins. To help prevent new varicose veins, wear compression stockings when you’re on your feet for long periods. When you can, elevate your legs to move blood from your legs to your heart. Maintain a healthy weight to reduce pressure on your blood vessels, and exercise regularly. 

To eliminate unsightly, problematic veins, call REDI Diagnostics Corp or book an appointment online today.

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