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What Can an Autonomic Nervous System Test Reveal About My Health?

What Can an Autonomic Nervous System Test Reveal About My Health?

Do you have symptoms that need more investigation before your doctor can reach a diagnosis? Anything from dizzy spells to digestive upset to urinary problems could mean a part of your autonomic nervous system isn’t working as it should. 

Your physician may refer you to REDI Diagnostics Corp in Elmwood Park, New Jersey, for an autonomic nervous system test to help uncover the reason for your symptoms. Our board-certified radiologists are the experts who perform autonomic nervous system tests. Then we report the results to your doctor so your health care team can develop a treatment plan. 

What is your autonomic nervous system? 

Your autonomic nervous system is a coordinated series of nerves that regulate the systems that are on “automatic pilot” and keep you going day and night. Your heartbeat and breathing are just two examples. 

Your nerves are the pathway to your brain, which sends signals to your body that regulate organs, such as your liver and lungs, involved in your autonomic systems. If you’re having unexplained symptoms that need further investigation, an autonomic nervous system test can help reveal where your system is faulty. 

Do you have autonomic neuropathy?

An autonomic nervous system test determines whether you have autonomic neuropathy in one of your body’s major systems. If you do, it means you have nerve damage to a system that controls automatic body functions like digestion, bladder function, blood pressure, and even sexual function. 

What can an autonomic nervous system test reveal? 

This test can reveal disorders in major bodily systems and problems such as the following: 

Liver and pancreas: Leading to diabetes complications 

Your autonomic nervous system regulates your pancreas, which releases insulin, and your liver, which produces glucose that gives you energy. 

If you have diabetes, you’re susceptible to nerve damage throughout your body, leading to an inability to feel cold or heat, and, ultimately, a risk of amputation. You may not be able to know when you’re hypoglycemic because your nervous system doesn’t give you warning signals. 

Heart: Cardiac abnormalities

Your autonomic nervous system manages your heart rate and blood pressure. If your autonomic nervous system isn’t working properly, it can be a precursor to cardiovascular disease such as congestive heart failure and irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia, or even sudden cardiac death. 

An autonomic nervous system test can reveal plaque in your arteries. This information can help your health care team manage your condition medically and help you manage it at home through lifestyle changes. 

Bladder: Urinary problems 

If you have difficulty urinating, you need to void more than normal, or your bladder leaks, you could have autonomic neuropathy. Testing can assess your bladder function and help determine the appropriate treatment. 

Intestinal system: Digestive issues 

Perhaps you had trouble with your digestive system. Damage to the nerves in your digestive system may be the cause. You may feel full after eating just a little. Maybe your stomach empties too slowly, causing nausea or vomiting. 

Perhaps you have constipation or diarrhea. Your autonomic nervous system handles digestion from your small intestine to your colon and controls the muscles involved in bowel movements. 

Call REDI Diagnostics Corp or book an appointment online today to schedule your autonomic nervous system test.

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